I Forgot to Remember


I forgot to remember to tell you the parrot died.  He squawked until he couldn’t breathe. 
In haste, I forgot to give him air in the car…the windows rolled up.  I’m sorry---  don’t sneer at me.


I forgot to remember to take out the trash.  I ran late in leaving for work today. 
Forgive me, I’ll take care of all the flies in the house.  please don’t slap me.


I forgot to remember to help our daughter with her homework.  The class laughed at her in school today. 
Poor child---if only I had coached her a little.  My guilt is enough punishment for me !

  Do not chastise me.


I forgot to remember to water the flowers; so pretty were they, I had worked so hard to plant and care for them. 
But, I’m so forgetful. . . now all remains is wilted color and stale perfume.  My neglect in inexcusable.  Do not snarl at me.


I forgot to remember to get the groceries, to cook our dinner tonight.  My head throbbed so, from my ”fall” last night. 
Our youngest child was questioned when he asked neighbors if he could eat dinner with them.  Where was I?  Do not ask me.


While I was forgetting to remember to be a dutiful wife--- I was trying to remember to forget your vicious tongue,
  your flying fists, my bleeding lips, your drunken rages.  Do not you dare call me your wife!


I’m trying to remember to forget the other night, how you slapped me so hard, you knocked me out in front of the children! 
They remember to forget how you mis-treat me.  Do not ask them.


I finally remembered to forget how our tenth anniversary came and went without a word;  your celebrating without me
  —that you staggered in at 3:00am, and crawled over my frame in sloppy, drunken lust.   Do not enter me again!


I look down at you now, with your face twisted in horror, as you gasp for air, clutching the pain in your chest.
  I am clearly remembering I forgot to dial “911”.   I am evil to watch you die…


I watch your last breath, and with calmness think, of forgetting to remember where the phone was. 
But can I  remember to forget my pain ?   Do not follow me in death.




Copyright © 3-23-97 Amy L. Allison


This poem is about domestic abuse.  I have personal involvement with that in my journey.  Through the years,
I have come to learn of there are organizations in my area helping to curtail this crime. 







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