Rhythm of Nokomis Beach


There was something about to happen on the sand of Nokomis Beach

The air of expectancy was teasing the waiting crowd.

Drums were visible; colorful skirts - aromatic perfume …

            those in-waiting soon became at last … less loud.


Then the lone drum set the pace of the others who joined

it in a similar, complementary rhythm to spark the hips

beneath belly dancers’ jingle-jangles and brilliant gold

            with dark eyes flashing and full ruby lips….


The pulse and the beat and the rhythm of the hands on the drums

vibrated the dancing and the watching group, creating a heartbeat of one

with the sweating and the glistening of the bodies in the middle

            of the circle of the pulse of the beat of the heat of the fun.


Of an accord the music reaches a rowdy, rousing climax as the gyrations

of the dancers reach the exhausted end of a partial spell

heads swivel towards the water to the sunset in awe -

            but there’s a current starting up as the rhythm begins to swell….


Dutiful assignees light the torches, with perfume there’s now the scent

of kerosene, and musk and ocean and seaside brush and fern

ah, the sight- dancing light and the taste of salty sea air

grit of sand and the pounding drums in my memory does burn!


Yes! the senses are fed and alive with the experience

I hold out my arms and embrace all - close to my soul

So unlike anything that I have ever felt in my life

            The Rhythm of Nokomis Beach makes me whole.



copyright © April 2003  Amy L. Allison  




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