Sacred Scars



The face opposing mine is stern---

      an expressionless ambivalence;

      only silence in response.

For how may this cold etched countenance

satisfy …

the timeless search for warmth?


‘Tis Socrates, the Master, whose face in blocks

      of lime—

      adds to the cold futility of wanting life from

      such a fleshless stare.


But the words of sensitivity,

      Truths profound but oh, so simple….

Speak from stone lips to all who gaze in

      silent reverence.


A questioning look reveals the face

      where shocking colors cascade the stern,

       face in tears of red and blue.

A defiant act of defacement;  of chemicals of

      color—so warm in hue, yet not to soften

      the cold gaze.


An indignant anger brings a flush to the flesh

      of my face—

      but in only a moment, the sharply etched

      meanings of the words bathed in colorful

      tears do not prohibit…


The warmth and humanity and gratitude to swell

      up from inside me.

I feel that warmth is stirred in us to find

meaning to the words underneath the scarring.


In hushed vague meaning, they beckon.

The words unchanged, but harder to see—

give powerful meaning to the

               cold truths etched in the lime.


It’s the “light of day” from lips of stone,

               that bring the light of the spirit

               to lifeless lime.



Copyright  © September 1989    Amy L. Allison




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