

An enlightenment of purpose has come to me this day.  Awareness of the earth and its life-rejuvenating desires is so appropriate.  Being close to the earth brings me closer to the “realm of the spirit” in me.


I do not hurt, or feel anger or sadness when I express my literary mood on paper.  I am whole, and strong, and filled with a swelling wonderment at the depth of my words from what I once thought was a shallow mind.


What I have learned I must share with others.  Period.  On the physical plane, it prevents me from blocking my spirituality with my addiction.  Yet, in the metaphysical/spiritual world, I can carry the word by sharing the simplicity of a yet profound awareness of my spiritual journey to others.  In hope of benefiting others, who are just like me.  Searching.


In writing for others, in one sense I’m sharing with other human being—just a little about myself.  But, in directing my words to them, the God in he who listens also hears my words of gratitude and strength.  This love for me is felt by God in me, and God in others…as they smile at me and hold me close.


And they too, travel a similar journey, for which there is no map or no one correct of direct route, for that matter.


But nothing matters, except that we commence the journey.  We will never know if we reach our destinations;  that in another life we may not even be too sure of when we started the journey in the first place.


The collective consciousness of others on similar journeys will guide us when we falter in the road.


But the spirit will guide us each on which direction to take at the fork in the road.


 Copyright  © 4-22-90  Amy L. Allison




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